The Climate Smart Forestry (CSF) program at the University of Tennessee is now accepting applications for a three-year PhD research assistantship under the supervision of Dr. Sheng-I Yang and Dr. David Buckley. The CSF program is a collaborative project between the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and Tennessee chapter of the Nature Conservancy developed to provide important information for enhancing sustainable forest management and environmental conservation under a changing climate. The primary research objectives for this position include:
- analyzing relationships between biotic and abiotic variables across various site and management conditions in Tennessee forests;
- identifying key variables that affect forest carbon pools in Tennessee forests, and
- providing metrics to assess forest carbon storage potential for a given site or management regime.
The incumbent will collaborate with the faculty and students in the Working Woodlands Research Group in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries within the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The incumbent will be responsible for presenting research results at professional meetings, publishing relevant work in peer-reviewed journals, and assisting in undergraduate education and outreach related to this project.