Variety Demonstrations, Defoliation Among Program Topics
JACKSON, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture’s annual field day devoted to cotton is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center.
Cotton Tour Field Day registration opens at 8:00 a.m. Field tours begin at 8:30 a.m. and include multiple presentations. The event concludes at noon with a complimentary lunch of catfish and fried chicken.
Outdoor sessions will provide visitors with a look at the 2019 cotton variety tests, cover crop research, as well as research on disease, insect and weed control. Sessions will also include information on defoliation products, along with rates and timings, and irrigation scheduling.
The last sessions of the morning will be held indoors and provide an outlook of the cotton market and an overview of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, a program designed to raise awareness of the sustainable farming practices used by U.S. cotton farmers.
There is no cost to attend Cotton Tour. Pesticide recertification points will be available.
Look for the complete program soon at utcrops.com.
The West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center is located at 605 Airways Boulevard, Jackson, Tennnessee.
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