UT Institute of Agriculture Presents Top Faculty and Staff Awards for 2023
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture recognized some of its top faculty, staff, researchers and Extension experts at UTIA’s annual awards and promotions luncheon on the UTIA campus in Knoxville on August 15, 2023. Many of the awards are gifts made possible by faculty, alumni and friends of the Institute.
UT Institute of Agriculture Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Keith Carver hosted the award winners and celebrated their work. “I’m excited to celebrate the amazing work of our UTIA faculty and staff,” says Carver. “These awards are well-deserved and represent our employees’ steadfast dedication to their work, the Institute and the people of Tennessee. The impact of their accomplishments and passion will be felt for generations to come.”
Jamie Harris, Extension specialist for 4-H Youth Development, is the recipient of the Lloyd and Nettie Downen Endowment Fund Leadership Enhancement Award. Established by Dr. and Mrs. M. Lloyd Downen, dean emeritus of the Agricultural Extension Service, this award recognizes Extension faculty members who serve in leadership roles across the state.
“I am very honored and humbled to be receiving this award and would like to thank the family of Lloyd and Nettie Downen for providing this recognition,” says Harris.
Harris is in her 34th year with UT. She values the many moments and relationships she has developed with 4-H youth, parents and volunteers. Additionally, she is thankful for the opportunity to watch 4-Her’s grow and flourish through the many 4-H programs.
Harris earned a master’s degree in agricultural and extension education services from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences from Tennessee Tech University. Among her many accolades, Harris has received the NAE4HPYD Communications and Excellence in Teamwork Award, the TAE4-HW American Spirit Award Winner, the Alice Ann Moore Outstanding 4-H Agent Award, and the NAE4-HYDP and NEAFCS Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.