UT Institute of Agriculture Presents Top Faculty and Staff Awards for 2022
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture recognized some of its top faculty, staff, researchers and Extension experts at UTIA’s annual Awards and Promotions luncheon on the UTIA campus in Knoxville August 16, 2022. Many of the awards are gifts made possible by faculty, alumni and friends of the Institute.
UT Institute of Agriculture Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Carrie Castille hosted the award winners and celebrated their work. “I am so excited to recognize excellence as exemplified by the award-winning members of our UTIA faculty and staff,” Castille says. “Their continuing commitment to our land-grant mission ensures that the Institute develops and delivers real-life solutions to improve the health and economy of our state and beyond while also enhancing our environment.”
Jason Williams, a research associate at the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan, is one of three winners of the AgResearch Dean’s Award for Outstanding Professional Staff. A Milan native, he has served 27 years at the Milan Center is the longest serving member of the staff. His primary responsibilities are with the cotton program, but he also works on other crops as well, including corn and soybeans, wheat and cover crops.
Center Director Blake Brown says Williams was helpful in putting together the recent hybrid in-person and virtual Milan No-Till Field Day, including putting up displays, preparing crop demonstration areas and getting the farm ready to host 2,000 guests.
Among Williams’ other honors, he has been recognized with the Directors’ Award from UT AgResearch in 2002 and 2021 and the Woodman of the World Conservation Award in 2000.
“It is an honor to be chosen for this award,” says Williams. “I’ve always just tried to work hard and do the best job that I could to provide the best data for our producers. The people I get to work with everyday are outstanding people.”
Williams shares this award with Mark Young, an Information Technology Coordinator with UT AgResearch, and Kathy Dalton, a Coordinator III in the UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.