UT Institute of Agriculture Presents Top Faculty and Staff Awards for 2023
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture recognized some of its top faculty, staff, researchers and Extension experts at UTIA’s annual awards and promotions luncheon on the UTIA campus in Knoxville on August 15, 2023. Many of the awards are gifts made possible by faculty, alumni and friends of the Institute. The event included several new honors this year.
UT Institute of Agriculture Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Keith Carver hosted the award winners and celebrated their work. “I’m excited to celebrate the amazing work of our UTIA faculty and staff,” says Carver. “These awards are well-deserved and represent our employees’ steadfast dedication to their work, the Institute and the people of Tennessee. The impact of their accomplishments and passion will be felt for generations to come.”
Ranson Goodman, UT Extension agent in Henry County, is one recipient of the Charles and Julie Wharton Award for Outstanding Extension Achievements. Established by long-time supporters of the Institute of Agriculture Charles Wharton and his late wife Julie, and now supported by Charles and Lori Wharton, this award is presented to three UT Extension agents annually. These agents may conduct programs in any area, including agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and resource development. Special consideration is given to those individuals who have demonstrated excellence in serving local needs for five years or more. Scott Swoape from White County Extension and Tim Woods from McMinn County Extension also received this award.
Goodman has been with UT Extension 26 years, also working in Dyer and Obion counties. He’s been in Henry County since 2008. He’s an expert on the diversity of northwest Tennessee row crop and animal agriculture. Goodman has played a key role in crop variety testing trials with Extension and UT AgResearch, as well as leading Master Gardener and land-owner education programs. He has also worked with producers to develop cover crops to protect their soil.
Goodman has a master’s degree in agricutlure from Murray State University.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.