Farm Families Are Invited to Register for the Virtual Course
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – University of Tennessee Extension’s Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is inviting farm families and community members to participate in the Tennessee Farm Family Health and Wellness Program. The program is a Zoom-based webinar that provides farm families with the tools to cope with and thrive amongst the various challenges unique to farm families. Registration is open now at fcs.tennessee.edu/mffhw/.
Carrie Castille, senior vice chancellor and senior vice president of the UT Institute of Agriculture, is excited for UT Extension to offer this program for a second year in a row. “The most important assets on a farm are the people,” says Castille. “The Tennessee Farm Family Health and Wellness Program is focused on making long-term health investments in Tennessee farm families and their communities. UT Extension is pleased to continue partnering with farmers in promoting health, wellness and a thriving future.”
The course will utilize a hybrid method of live webinars and/or recordings that can be watched on any schedule. Topics include grain bin safety, safe livestock handling, farmland legacy, healthy habits to maximize mental health, medical warning signs, talking about tough topics, vision and hearing, and crossing the communication gap. The series will also feature program resources that are available to support farmers. The first presentation will open with a welcome from Tennessee Commissioner of Agriculture Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M.
The Zoom-based webinars will be held Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. EST (6 to 8 p.m. CST) beginning January 19, 2023. Additional webinars will be February 2, February 16, March 2 and March 16. Registered participants will be emailed a Zoom link and instructions before each session. Recordings will be uploaded to the website after each session for further viewing. Supplementary sessions are available on the Farm Family Health and Wellness Program website at fcs.tennessee.edu/mffhw/ to registered participants. Seven sessions must be done to complete the course.
Registration is currently open for the Master Farm Family Health and Wellness Program at fcs.tennessee.edu/mffhw/. The fee is $100 for an individual and their family members. The first session is on January 19.
For more information about Tennessee Farm Family Health and Wellness, please contact Janet Fox at jfox35@utk.edu or Wendy Smith at wksmith@utk.edu.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.