UT Institute of Agriculture Presents Top Faculty and Staff Awards for 2022
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture recognized some of its top faculty, staff, researchers and Extension experts at UTIA’s annual Awards and Promotions luncheon on the UTIA campus in Knoxville August 16, 2022. Many of the awards are gifts made possible by faculty, alumni and friends of the Institute.
UT Institute of Agriculture Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Carrie Castille hosted the award winners and celebrated their work. “I am so excited to recognize excellence as exemplified by the award-winning members of our UTIA faculty and staff,” Castille says. “Their continuing commitment to our land-grant mission ensures that the Institute develops and delivers real-life solutions to improve the health and economy of our state and beyond while also enhancing our environment.”
Jennifer Stewart, administrative support assistant with Humphreys County Extension, is the winner of the E.J. Chapman Outstanding Service Award. Established by the late E.J. Chapman, who served the university in a wide range of capacities from agronomist to assistant vice president for agriculture, this award recognizes a staff member with a supporting role in teaching, research or Extension.
“I take great pride winning this award because it shows other administrative assistants that hard work, dedication and being a loyal employee pays off,” says Stewart.
Stewart has been with UT Extension in Humphreys County for 18 years and has been an administrative support assistant for 17 years. She remarks that during that time, she’s never had the same day twice and each day working in Extension is memorable.
Outside of work Stewart enjoys traveling and being a volunteer firefighter for Humphreys County.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.