The In-Person Sale Offers Large Assortment of Plant Varieties
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Spring has arrived and the University of Tennessee Gardens, Knoxville, Spring Spectacular Plant Sale is back! The sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the UT Gardens. The inventory has been carefully selected to include new varieties as well as tried and true favorites to increase your gardening success. As always, Gardens’ staff and Tennessee Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions and provide design advice. All proceeds directly benefit the UT Gardens, Knoxville.
“We are excited for the return of the sale, which will include a wide array of herbs, edibles, perennials and annuals for sun and shade, native plants, houseplants, trees and shrubs,” said Holly Jones, UT Gardens horticulturist. “Clematis, Hydrangea and Cuphea will be highlighted in the featured plant tent with multiple stand-out varieties available of each genus. No matter what your plant needs are, you are certain to find something perfect for your garden at a reasonable price.”
Among the seven varieties of Hydrangea featured are Hydrangea arborescens Invincibelle Sublime™, which is a full-size native mophead type with long lasting lime green flowers, and Hydrangea serrata Tiny Tuff Stuff™, which is a dwarf re-bloomer with delicate pale purple to pink lace cap blooms. Award-winning Cuphea varieties, all noted for their long bloom season as well as heat and drought tolerance, will also be available. Many of the varieties produce flowers that are popular with hummingbirds and various pollinators.
A preview sale will be held on Friday, April 8, from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. for all UT Gardens’ members, Gardens’ volunteers, and UT employees. Garden members receive a 10% discount on all purchases.
With a $35 donation, you can become a member of the UT Gardens and receive an immediate discount at the plant sale. The donations help support many of the activities and beneficial research taking place at the UT Gardens, Knoxville.
The UT Gardens, Knoxville, located at 2518 Jacob Drive, is one of three sites of the State Botanical Garden of Tennessee,. For more details on the plant sale, including a list of plants available, or to become a member, visit utgardens.tennessee.edu.
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