Hollie R. Schreiber Begins Appointment June 28
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture is excited to welcome Hollie R. Schreiber as the new director of the Office of Sponsored Programs. Schreiber is currently the director of Sponsored Programs for the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.
The UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs facilitates research, extension and education activities by supporting faculty and staff in their pursuit of external funding, including all aspects of proposal development and award negotiations for federal, state and private funding. OSP also helps ensure compliance with internal and external regulations and funding requirements.
“This is a critical role for the advancement of the research, extension and education missions of the Institute of Agriculture,” said Hongwei Xin, dean of UT AgResearch. “We look forward to Hollie helping us to continue to grow our extramural funding as well as her guidance on improving contract management within the Institute.”
Schreiber will oversee a staff of 11 professionals who together manage UTIA’s research and extension grants and contracts. In fiscal year 2020 those grants and contracts amounted to nearly $72 million that help fund the activities of faculty and staff within UT AgResearch, UT Extension, the Herbert College of Agriculture and the College of Veterinary Medicine.
A certified research administrator since June 2010, Schreiber holds a master of business administration from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and a bachelor of science in marketing, also from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. She has previous experience with the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, and among her accolades, she is the 2018 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the National Council of University Research Administrators, Region V.
“I am excited and honored to join UTIA and to play a role in increasing the scope and size of sponsored funding for research, extension and teaching. The Office of Sponsored Programs plays a critical role in the mission of UTIA, and I look forward to seeing what our future holds.”
Schreiber will begin her new role in Knoxville on June 28, just in time for the beginning of the university’s new fiscal year, which starts on July 1.
Through its mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.