Adrienne Blalack Joins as the New Assistant Director of Proposals
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture’s Office of Sponsored Programs has grown its staff. Adrienne Blalack has joined the OSP as the new assistant director of proposals.
The OSP facilitates research, extension and education activities by supporting faculty and staff in their pursuit of external funding. The OSP provides all pre-award services to all the UTIA entities, including AgResearch, UT Extension, the Herbert College of Agriculture and the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Blalack has more than 20 years of experience in pre-award and non-financial post-award administration of university grants and contracts, including the extensive knowledge base required for compliance with federal, state and university regulations, policies and laws. She has worked the past eight years at the University of Tulsa in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs as the director of pre-award services.
“UTIA’s Office of Sponsored Programs is in a period of transformation,” says Hollie Schreiber, the director of the OSP. “We are eager to incorporate Adrienne’s knowledge and experience – more than 20 years in research administration – to our operations.”
Blalack holds a bachelor’s in journalism/broadcasting from Oklahoma State University with a major in advertising and minor in economics. She is a certified research administrator and currently a graduate student in the University of Tulsa’s MBA program. She began her new role with the OSP on July 11.
For more information about the OSP and its mission, please visit their website: utiasponsoredprograms.tennessee.edu.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.