UT Gardens’ December Plant of the Month
From Alaska to Tennessee, Weeping Blue Alaskan Cedar Stands Out in Landscape
Amaryllis Sale Returns to UT Gardens, Jackson
Shop Hundreds of Specialty Bulbs, Fall Plants
Poison? No, Sumac Is the Antidote for Hot Parched Sites
UT Gardens’ November Plant of the Month
Choose Cherokee Sedge for a Spot in Your Sustainable Garden and Lawn
UT Gardens’ October Plant of the Month
Fall in the Gardens Scheduled for October 3 and 4 at UT Gardens, Jackson
Attendees Will Enjoy Lectures, Tours, Fall Plant Sale and More
Select One of the Many Species of Gaillardia for an Easy-to-Grow Perennial
UT Gardens’ September Plant of the Month
Grow Some Sunshine in Your Garden with a New Calylophus
UT Gardens’ August Plant of the Month
Tall Verbena Attracts Butterflies and Other Pollinators
UT Gardens’ July Plant of the Month
UT Gardens, Jackson, Hosts Perennial and Flowering Shrubs Sale
Over 80 Hand-Selected Varieties Will Be Available for Purchase
“Garden Buzz: The Celebration of Pollinators” Scheduled for June 18 at UT Gardens, Jackson
Community Event Will Teach Attendees About the Importance of Pollination