Horticulture Icon Michael Dirr to Speak
This Aromatic and Useful Plant Has Earned a Place in Gardens Around the World and Across Time UT Gardens’ September 2019 Plant of the Month: Rosemary Submitted by Holly S. Jones,…
NOTE FROM THE UT GARDENS – Updated from August 2, 2019 Many of our gardening friends from across the state have pointed out that Buddleja davidii is listed on the Tennessee Invasive Plant…
UT Gardens’ July 2019 Plant of the Month: Chastetree Submitted by Carol Reese, UT Extension Western Region horticulturist, and Richard Gibson, assistant horticulturist, UT Gardens, Jackson Ancient chastetrees, also called Vitex agnus-castus, can be found…
UT Gardens’ June 2019 Plant of the Month: Nuttal Oak Submitted by James Newburn, assistant director and curator of the UT Gardens, Knoxville People can be such creatures of habit.…
Anniversary to be Commemorated with Kaleidoscope of Color and Garden Art JACKSON, Tenn. – Summer Celebration, one of the largest gardening shows in the Mid-South, will be held Thursday, July…