Presentations Available June 9
SPRING HILL, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture’s annual Fruits of the Backyard Field Day is moving online for 2020. While the event is typically held at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center at Spring Hill, this year presentations will be recorded and posted on the Center’s website, middletn.tennessee.edu. Presentations will be available beginning June 9.
Fruits of the Backyard presenters will be David Lockwood, UT Extension Fruit and Nut Specialist, and Natalie Bumgarner, UT Extension Consumer Horticulture Specialist. Their presentations will provide useful tips for growing your own produce, with a focus on blueberries, garden beans and nut trees.
For more information on the Fruits of the Backyard Field Day, visit the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center website, or call 931-486-2129.
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