Wine Grape Workshops Scheduled for Winter 2020
COLUMBIA, Tenn. – Later this month and in February, the University of Tennessee Center for Profitable Agriculture, in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and Tennessee Farm Winegrowers Alliance, will offer workshops for farmers interested in producing grapes in Tennessee.
The “Considerations for Growing and Marketing Wine Grapes in Tennessee” workshops will teach current, new and potential grape producers how to grow, market and budget for grapes in Tennessee.
At each workshop, participants will learn about Tennessee’s current grape and wine industry and developing opportunities for grape production and winemaking in the state. Participants will also learn about how to produce grape vineyards in Tennessee and the important characteristics of cultivars used in winemaking. The afternoon portion of each workshop will teach participants the importance of budgeting, knowing the full costs of grape production and considerations when marketing grapes. A panel discussion will provide participants the opportunity to hear directly from local winemakers about building partnerships and understanding the needs of local wineries.
Jared Bruhin, an Extension specialist with the UT Center for Profitable Agriculture, along with other instructors from UT Extension and representatives of TDA and TFWA, will present the workshop content at each location.
The workshops will be held across the state in January and February 2020. Each workshop will begin with check-in at 8:30 a.m. local time and conclude at 3:30 p.m. local time. The dates and locations include:
Monday, January 27, in Crossville
Tuesday, January 28, in Chattanooga
Wednesday, January 29, in White Pine
Thursday, February 13, in Franklin
Friday, February 14, in Jackson
Participants will be notified of specific locations.
Pre-registration is required, and there is a registration fee of $25 per person, with lunch and light morning refreshments provided. Space is limited and registration will close five days prior to each workshop. Registration is now open at http://tiny.utk.edu/Grapes2020.
This workshop fulfills a Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program requirement in Agritourism, Fruit and Vegetable and Value-Added Producer Diversification sectors. For additional information regarding educational programs for TAEP, please contact Jan Keyser at the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, 615-837-5346.
The CPA conducts a number of workshops for Tennessee farmers and ranchers and those who are thinking of operating a value-added business. For more information about these and other CPA workshops, visit the website for the Center for Profitable Agriculture: ag.tennessee.edu/cpa. Look for a link under the “educational events” menu.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.
Event Flier (PDF)