Participants May Complete Units at Their Own Pace
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – University of Tennessee Extension has launched an online certificate program for landscape professionals. The Certified Landscape Professional course is taught by Extension agents and specialists and is designed for anyone who manages ornamental landscapes or who wants to start a career in the industry. Course topics include site assessment, landscape planning, plant selection, pruning, installation and more.
Participants will complete each unit at their own pace.
Upon completing the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion from the University of Tennessee Extension Certified Landscape Professional Program. This certificate is valid for two years and can be renewed thereafter. Additional education will be provided for certification renewal. This additional education will build upon the topics covered in the initial course and provide further accreditation for participants.
The fee for this course is $250. Veterans and active-duty service members may receive a 15% discount. Participants may enroll in the course at any time. For more information and to register, visit tiny.utk.edu/LandscapePro or contact your local county Extension agent.
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture is comprised of the Herbert College of Agriculture, UT College of Veterinary Medicine, UT AgResearch, and UT Extension. Through its land-grant mission of teaching, research and outreach, the Institute touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. to Tennesseans and beyond. utia.tennessee.edu.