Nineteen Events, Most Occurring In-Person, Scheduled to Showcase UT Agricultural Research
UT AgResearch Announces 2021 Field Day Schedule
An Introduction to the American Chestnut
A new self-guided course is being offered through the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries. Stacy Clark, research forester with the USDA Forest Service and adjunct assistant professor, created theā¦
Step Outside: UTIA and The Nature Conservancy, A Landmark Partnership
The University of Tennessee has entered into a first-of-its-kind agreement with The Nature Conservancy to protect, enhance, and restore thousands of forested acres. In this episode of Step Outside, we learn about what this means for UT, our students, and the future of the forest.
Virtual Milan No-Till Field Day Presentations Available July 23
Tune in for Facebook Live Presentations, Interviews