Over 500 types of plants will be available for purchase
JACKSON, Tenn. – It is not too early to begin thinking about what plants you would like from the University of Tennessee Gardens, Jackson, Spring Plant Sale. Dates for sale are Friday, May 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday, May 7 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Admission to the plant sale is free.
The UT Gardens, Jackson, and Madison County Master Gardeners will offer over 500 different kinds of annuals, perennials, trees, conifers, shrubs, vegetables, herbs, succulents and house plants. The Madison County Master Gardeners will host their sale inside the main building at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. The plants they will offer for sale have been grown by local Master Gardeners and are selections that perform well in our area. Some of the plants have been passed down for generations.
“Spring is the perfect time to step back into the garden after the cold months and freshen things up,” said Jason Reeves, director of the UT Gardens, Jackson. “At the Spring Plant Sale, you’ll find all types of plants that will help revive your landscape, add color to your garden and give your elevate vegetable patch.”
Cash, check and credit card will be accepted at the UT Gardens Sale, with a 5% fee for cards. The Madison County Master Gardeners Sale will be cash and check only.
With a $35 donation, you can become a member of the UT Gardens at the plant sale. The donations help support many of the activities and beneficial research taking place at the UT Gardens, Jackson. For more information on the program or to become a member go to utgardens.tennessee.edu.
The UT Gardens, Jackson, is part of the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center, located at 605 Airways Boulevard, Jackson, Tennessee. For more details on the plant sale, go to https://westtn.tennessee.edu. A detailed list of available plants will be posted April 27 in the events section.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.