CPA Reflects on Over Two Decades of Statewide Impact
COLUMBIA, Tenn. – The Center for Profitable Agriculture (CPA), a partnership between University of Tennessee Extension and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation, hosted a 25th anniversary celebration in Columbia, Tennessee on September 18, 2023.
Leaders from the CPA, UT Extension and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation were among multiple presenters who shared how the organization has helped Tennessee producers create value-added enterprises for over two decades. The event was emceed by former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) Senior Vice Chancellor/Senior Vice President Tim Cross, and featured speakers from UTIA including current Senior Vice Chancellor/Senior Vice President Keith Carver, Dean of UT Extension Ashley Stokes and Assistant Dean of UT Extension Justin Rhinehart. Ray Humberd and Dan Wheeler, former directors of the center, and Rob Holland, current director of the center, were also honored during the event.
“Humberd and Wheeler had an immeasurable impact on the CPA and on countless farmers and agricultural communities across the state,” says Holland. “The Center for Profitable Agriculture would not be possible without these groundbreaking leaders or the ongoing dedication of UT Extension and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation who help us provide valuable services for local producers every day.”
Representatives from the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation also spoke during the event including President Eric Mayberry. In addition, Jeff Aiken, deputy commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, attended the event to present a proclamation from Governor Bill Lee officially recognizing 2023 as the 25th anniversary of the Center for Profitable Agriculture.
The CPA was first launched in 1998 by UT Extension and began its formal partnership with the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation in 2002. Since then, the CPA has helped to cultivate a quarter-century of value-added success for Tennessee farms with its many educational programs, publications and workshops. From agritourism to on-farm markets, along with everything in between, the CPA exists as a resource for those interested in adding value to their farm products.
To learn more about the CPA and their ongoing mission, visit their website at cpa.tennessee.edu.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.