UT Gardens’ November Plant of the Month
An Oak for Those with Limited Space
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Garlic
UT Gardens’ October Plant of the Month
Grow on the Wild Side with Goldenrod
UT Gardens’ September Plant of the Month
Try Oakleaf Lettuce To Avoid Icebergs As You Sail Into Fall Garden Season
UT Gardens’ August Plant of the Month
2023 Fall Gardeners’ Festival is Scheduled for August 29
Home and Commercial Gardeners Are Invited to Attend This Annual Event
Mountain Mint – A Pollinator’s Perfect Perennial
UT Gardens’ July Plant of the Month
Want a Big and Bodacious Plant for the Garden? Add a Cardoon
UT Gardens’ June Plant of the Month
University of Tennessee to Host “Garden Buzz: The Celebration of Pollinators” in Honor of Pollinator Week
Pollinator ‘Parties’ Scheduled in Knoxville, Crossville and Jackson
Hyacinth Bean Vine: A “One Size Fits Most” Plant
UT Gardens’ May Plant of the Month
UT Gardens, Crossville, to Host Spring Plant Sale on May 6
Annuals, Shrubs and Perennials Will be Available