New Location for Event
TULLAHOMA, Tenn. — The annual Middle Tennessee Grain Conference is set for Tuesday, February 4, at a new venue: the University of Tennessee Space Institute, located at 411 B.H. Goethert Pkwy in Tullahoma, Tennessee. Building on 14 years of success, this exceptional conference will once again offer farmers some of the most practical insights and real life solutions to emerging crop production issues.
Looking back just 10 months ago, a crowd of more than 200 stakeholders from across the state gathered to learn more about their industry and improve their operations. Based off evaluations from the event, a testimonial 95% of attendees reported an increase in knowledge and a solid 93% planned to adopt the valuable practices and solutions learned at the conference.
This year’s conference will start with registration at 7:30 a.m. CST on Tuesday, February 4. Registration is $10 and pre-registration is available for your convenience through UT-TSU Extension county offices. Registration fees cover the cost of program materials, refreshments, lunch, conference proceedings and one conference hat per person.
Once again, the Middle Tennessee Grain Conference will feature practical research-based education, as well as one of the area’s largest trade shows with more than 30 vendors on hand to showcase what’s new and useful in the industry. The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a welcome from UTSI and a charismatic slate of speakers is set to follow. Breakout sessions include “Dicamba: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” “The 1980’s Called & They Want Their Weeds Back” and “Soil Testing For Precision Ag.”
Lunch will provided by “The View” Dining Hall and is again sponsored by the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative. Following the meal, our keynote speaker, R.L. (Bob) Nielson, Ph.D. Extension Corn Specialist and Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University, will present “Corn Profitability: Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”
At adjournment, participants will need to turn in completed evaluations to receive conference hats. Immediately following adjournment there will be an opportunity to attend Pesticide Recertification. This recertification will include Dicamba and Gramoxone Certification for operators who use those herbicide technologies. Cost of this training is an additional $25 per person to be paid on-site at the time of training. Current pesticide cards will expire June 30, 2020.
For complete details on conference topics and to pre-register, contact your local UT-TSU Extension Office. The Middle Tennessee Grain Conference is open to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or veteran status.
Through its mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.