Sandbulte Is One of Two Recognized for Service
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Beef Reproduction Leadership Team presented Merlyn Sandbulte the Service to Industry Award on August 20 during the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Symposium (ARSBC). This award recognizes outstanding contributions by individuals working in the artificial insemination (AI) industry toward the application or increased use of AI and estrous synchronization by beef producers.
Sandbulte, Rock Valley, Iowa, is a Beef District Business Manager for ABS Global and has worked tirelessly with his representatives to grow the use of estrus synchronization in the Dakota’s, Montana, Wyoming and Iowa for 30 years. Steve Trantham, from Marshfield, Missouri, who is recently retired from GENEX where he served 42 years, most recently as Associate Vice President of Regional Production Services, was also a service award winner.
Early in his career, Sandbulte recognized the powerful financial benefits that getting cows bred early would have for cattle producers. As an advocate for improving reproductive efficiency Sandbulte has given talks to numerous customer groups. His work to help people understand the impact of improving reproduction has benefitted untold numbers of producers.
“Merlyn speaks at many of our customer meetings where reproduction is a focus. His clear method of communication and exceptional knowledge of the industry makes him a favorite among my clients. Merlyn is also very instrumental in planning regular meetings for the ABS representatives to equip us with the tools to meet our client’s needs” stated Dr. Kristina Porter, an ABS Representative and veterinarian from Huron, South Dakota.
“His understanding of the industry past the farm gate has allowed Merlyn to be a great asset to producers by improving their bottomline,” Mark Fulton of South Dakota commented.
“For Fulton Ranch Merlyn has helped us keep on the track for uniformity. He focuses us in on having a program and not being tempted deviate from the plan. Through his encouragement we have been able to achieve 99% choice, 25% prime at 13 or 14 months and all the while improving our cowherd. The ability to synchronize our cows and use a bull for two years has improved our uniformity.”
Porter added, “I am so grateful for the chance to work under and alongside a man of his character, knowledge, and passion for the industry. It is an honor to call Merlyn a friend and my manager. I believe I speak for all the representatives in our district when I say, we are better salesmen, technicians, and people because of his influence on our lives and businesses.”
More than 260 producers, veterinarians, and representatives from the artificial insemination (AI) and pharmaceutical industries attended the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Symposium. Justin Rhinehart, University of Tennessee associate professor and beef reproduction specialist, served as chair for the event, which was hosted in part by the UT Department of Animal Science.
The Beef Reproduction Leadership Team’s mission is to optimize the productivity and improve the profitability of cow-calf operations by facilitating the adoption of cost-effective, applied reproductive technologies.
For more information about this year’s symposium, visit www.appliedreprostrategies.com.