Field Day to Offer Fifteen In-person Tours and Two Virtual Tours
MILAN, Tenn. – Climate-smart agriculture and hemp production are headlining the 2022 Milan No-Till Field Day, in addition to traditional no-till crop production topics. The Field Day is set for July 28 in Milan, Tenn. Featured presentations will include Understanding Climate Smart Agriculture, How Rainfall Is Changing and Affecting Water Management in Tennessee, Hemp Economics Outlook 2022, Does No-Till Mean Never-Till?, and more.
The biennial event is hosted by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and will include a total of fifteen in-person tours and two virtual tours. Tours are expected to last one hour and will feature three to six speakers. Tour topics include the following:
- No-Till Corn Production
- No-Till Cotton Production
- No-Till Soybean Production
- Herbicide Weed Resistance – Status and Mitigation Strategies
- Insect Biotechnology in Row Crops
- Cover Crops
- Water Management
- Soil Health
- Climate-Smart Agriculture (two sections)
- Soybean Breeding and Disease
- Hemp Economics, Production, and Disease Management
- USDA Farm Programs and Available Services
- Beef Cattle Production – Building Profit Potential, Safety and Efficiency within Your Beef Cattle Operations, Managing Stress and Anxiety of Both Herd and Producer
- Crop Variety Demo
- No-Till Basics (online only)
- Natural Resources (online only)
Continuing Education Units for Certified Crop Advisor and Pesticide Recertification will be available for some of the tours. A sign-in sheet will be placed at those tour entrances.
Milan No-Till Field Day began in 1981 as a way to teach local producers the benefits of no-till farming versus traditional tillage, and the event has expanded into one of the largest field days in the nation.
The 2022 Milan No-Till Field Day will be Thursday, July 28, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., CDT at the UT AgResearch and Education Center at Milan.
The UT AgResearch and Education Center at Milan is located at 3A Ledbetter Gate Road, Milan, Tennessee. Sponsorships and exhibitor spots are currently being offered. Contact LesLee Smelser at 731-686-7362 for more information.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.