Agriculture Boosts Local Economies
UT Extension Reports County-level Contributions of Tennessee Agriculture
Center for Profitable Agriculture Hosts Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration
CPA Reflects on Over Two Decades of Statewide Impact
UTIA Examines Online Grocery Shopping Attributes and Subsequent Influence on Food Choices
Findings to Inform Future Policy to Support Low-income Consumers and Improve Nutrition Security
Tennessee Farm and Ferment Meeting Scheduled for January 8, 2024
Farmers and Craft Beverage Partners Are Invited to a Day of Learning and Networking
UT Extension and GAP Connections to Help Tennessee Farmers Navigate Labor Management
Agricultural Producers and Agribusinesses Are Invited to Register for Free Workshops Across the State
UTIA Researchers Conduct Ongoing Study on Emerging Soybean Disease
Taproot Decline Poses Threat to Tennessee Soybean Production
Tennessee RiverLine Launches “Plan Your Journey” Trip Planning Tools
An Interactive Web Map, Suggested Itineraries and Other Resources will Help Users Plan Paddling Trips and Other Recreational Activities On and Along the Tennessee River
Tennessee RiverLine Will Showcase Conceptual Ideas for Riverfront Improvement Projects in Seven Communities
Community Members Invited to Attend Open House Events to Provide Feedback on Potential Infrastructure to Provide Enhanced River Access and Experiences
UTIA and AT&T Partner to Provide Rural Tennessee with Digital Literacy Training
New Training Program Targets Rural Communities to Address Digital Literacy Needs
Land-grant University Scientists are Making Turfgrass Safer, Better for Environment
Research Ranges from Grass Variety Development for Homes to Installation of Playing Fields