Recognized for His Work in Viral Immunology and Immunopathology
AAVMC Recognizes UTCVM’s Rouse with Excellence in Research Award
University of Tennessee Appoints Carrie Castille to Lead Institute of Agriculture
Current NIFA Director Expected to Change Roles July 1
Veterinary Associate Dean Elected to Rank of AAAS Fellow
One of Two UTIA Faculty Elected
UT College of Veterinary Medicine Names Large Animal Hospital for Charles and Julie Wharton
Naming Approved at Winter Meeting of the UT Board of Trustees Executive Committee
UTIA Team Awarded Grant for Developing Cost-Effective Methods to Collect Cattle Phenotypes
Research To Emphasize Identification of Latent Phenotypes, Future Calf Performance and Health
Three Horse Management Field Days Scheduled for February
Seventh Annual Horse Management Field Days Will Be Held Regionally
Canine Distemper Case Confirmed at Area Shelter
UTCVM Says Vaccination Prevents Highly Contagious Disease
Canine Distemper Case Confirmed at East Tennessee Shelter
UTCVM Says Vaccination Prevents Highly Contagious Disease
Howl-O-Ween at the UT Gardens
Halloween-themed Event for Pet Owners and Their Dogs
UT Re-Imagines Ag Day 2021
Celebration To Be Held Virtually