Total Number of Presentations Now at 65
MILAN, Tenn. – This year’s Milan No-Till Field Day, presented by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, is proud to announce a total of 16 different tours covering topics in agriculture ranging from hemp to soybeans to beef.
While COVID-19 has changed the method of delivery, UTIA’s commitment to quality content that impacts the lives of Tennesseans remains the same. Educational resources, tours and a trade show will all be available in an online format beginning July 23.
The Milan No-Till Field Day tours include multiple sessions and presenters. Attendees can plan for each tour to take about an hour. The complete list of tour topics is shown below.
No-Till Basics
No-Till Corn Production
No-Till Soybean Production
Soybean Breeding
No-Till Cotton Production in Tennessee
Soil Fertility
Cover Crops with No-Till
Soil Health
Water Management
Pollinators in Agriculture
Precision Agriculture
Beef: Back to the Basics
Trade, Farm Policy and Production Economics
Natural Resources
Hemp IPM and Production Considerations
TN AgrAbility: Improving Agriculture, Improving Lives
On the field day website, you can view more details about the talks on each individual tour and sign up. Registration is free.
Attendees can also follow the Milan No-Till Field Day Facebook page for more updates.
The field day sessions will remain accessible after July 23. As an added benefit, pesticide recertification points and Certified Crop Advisor continuing education units will remain available through December 31, 2020, to participants who view the online content.
The virtual field day is being sponsored in part by the Tennessee Farmers Co-op, Americot and Bayer.
Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.