Virtual Component Available After July 28
MILAN, Tenn. – After going virtual in 2020, the Milan No-Till Field Day, sponsored by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, will be held in-person in 2022. This will be the 32nd year for the field day, promoting no-till farming to areas prone to erosion and soil loss. The event will be held Thursday, July 28, at the UT AgResearch and Education Center at Milan.
Along with the in-person event, the 2022 No-Till Field Day will have a virtual component. The No-Till website will feature presentations from researchers and partners on topics including no-till farming, the latest research and variety trials for Tennessee’s most prominent crops, forestry, and more.
“We saw a huge success with the 2020 Virtual No-Till Field Day,” said Blake Brown, the director of the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. “With that in mind, we decided a virtual component would be helpful to those who can’t make it to Milan for the field day or can’t make it to all of the tours, but we are really excited to be hosting the event live and in-person again this year.”
The Milan No-Till Field Day originally began in 1981 as a way to teach local producers the benefits of no-till farming versus traditional tillage. Tours through fields at the research center focused on planter set up, weed control, and cover crops.
Now, the field day has turned into the largest in the nation devoted to conservation tillage, bringing thousands of people to Milan. As no-till farming is now the most prominent type of farming in Tennessee, tours focus on the latest technologies and research in the industry and how those new technologies can be integrated into a no-till system.
The UT AgResearch and Education Center at Milan is located at 3A Ledbetter Gate Road, Milan, Tennessee. Sponsorships and exhibitor spots are currently being offered. Contact LesLee Smelser at 731-686-7362 for more information.
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