Animal Science’s Dr. Schneider and Myer engaging in STEM outreach as topic editors for the journal, Frontiers for Young Minds.
Tiny Microbes, Big Yields: The Future of Food and Agriculture
Dr. Schaeffer obtains new grant

Faculty and students from BESS, led by Dr. Sean Schaeffer, are partnering with staff from the National Cooperative Soil Survey, part of the federal Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), to…
Dr. Hayes on use of 1,4-Dioxane Panel

Dr. Doug Hayes, Professor in Biosystems Engineering, is a featured member on a panel for a public forum related to the use of 1,-Dioxane in personal care and cleaning products,…
Irrigation with Dr. Brian Leib

Water Management in Soybean Production Field Tours Soybean Board Members, Extension Agents, Producers, NRCS Personnel, Students, and Tennessee Tech Professors participated in Meetings and Field Tours to improve water management…
Maximizing Microbes: Improving feed efficiency and nutrition for sustainable beef
The world’s population is expected to exceed 10 billion people by 2050. To supply the growing population with adequate sources of protein, food production must continue to improve efficiency. Mr.…
National 4-H GIS/GPS Leadership Team

Extension Specialist Tim Prather chaperoned Unicoi County 4-H GPS Team members Elisabeth Casey, Christiana Gilbert and Ben Merritt to San Diego to participate in the National 4-H GIS/GPS Leadership Team…
UTRF Inventor Spotlight: Dr. Oudessa Kerro Dego
Dr. Oudessa Kerro Dego is the featured UTRF Inventor Spotlight in the UT Research Foundation newsletter. Read the article