Meet the people behind UTIA’s Real. Life. Solutions.
Outstanding in Their Field
National Champion Tree Program Finds New Home
Effort To Identify and Study Big Trees Across the U.S. Moves to the University of Tennessee School of Natural Resources
UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation
New Plant Variety Serves as Natural, Affordable Radiation Sensor
Herbert College of Agriculture Student Receives Southern SARE Graduate Student Research Grant
PhD Student Ravi Neelipally Receives $16,200 Grant
UTIA PhD Candidate Receives Two National Honors for Achievements in Plant Pathology
Graduate Student Selected to Present Research, Receive Scholarship
Your Microbes Live On After You Die
A UTIA Microbiologist Explains How Your Necrobiome Recycles Your Body to Nourish New Life
UTIA Researchers Conduct Ongoing Study on Emerging Soybean Disease
Taproot Decline Poses Threat to Tennessee Soybean Production
Tennessee RiverLine Launches “Plan Your Journey” Trip Planning Tools
An Interactive Web Map, Suggested Itineraries and Other Resources will Help Users Plan Paddling Trips and Other Recreational Activities On and Along the Tennessee River
UTIA Celebrates Ag Day 2023
All Things UTIA and Three Stewards of Agriculture and Natural Resources Will Be Honored September 23
Tennessee RiverLine Will Showcase Conceptual Ideas for Riverfront Improvement Projects in Seven Communities
Community Members Invited to Attend Open House Events to Provide Feedback on Potential Infrastructure to Provide Enhanced River Access and Experiences