Educational Webinars Begin October 13
UT Extension Debuts New Farm Manager Program
UTIA Receives Grant to Help Strengthen and Expand US Beef Export Markets
Multi-institutional Research Will Identify Impediments and Possibilities
Chad Hellwinckel in Agricultural and Resource Economics Wins the Miles Community Service Award
UT Institute of Agriculture Presents Top Faculty and Staff Awards for 2020
Tennessee Agricultural Sectors Taking a Hit from COVID-19
UTIA Reports Show Pandemic Placing Downward Pressure on Commodity Prices
Hops Manual Now Available for Tennessee Growers
New UT Extension Publication Gives Considerations for Emerging Crop
One in 10 Tennessee Families Were Food Insufficient During Early Months of COVID-19
UTIA Research Shows Historic Pandemic Hurting Most-Vulnerable Populations
UT Extension Names Narayanan Area Farm Management Specialist
Chris Narayanan to Serve West Tennessee Farms and Families
Milan No-Till Field Day Announces Tour Topics and Sessions
Total Number of Presentations Now at 65
Weakley County Farmer Named Tennessee Farmer of the Year
Honor Bestowed Annually by UT Extension
New Head of Agricultural and Resource Economics Appointed by UTIA
Christopher Clark Named to Lead the Department