Study Provides Insights into Gathering, Preparation Patterns and Meat Preferences
Are Bushmeat Hunters Aware of Zoonotic Disease? Yes, But That’s Not the Issue
Nursery Automation Focus of New Effort Led by UTIA
Project Team Includes Research and Extension Faculty from Six Institutions
Bewitching Beasts! At the UT Gardens
A Virtual Halloween Festival for Kids
UTIA Renames Research and Education Center at Greeneville
New Name Reflects Geographic Location and Community Service
NBCI Video Accepted for International Fire Ecology Film Fest
The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative’s (NBCI) Fire Up Your Beef Production – A Ranchers’ Perspective of Prescribed Burning for Range Management is one of 23 documentaries from nine countries accepted…
Plant Sciences Student Receives National Honor
The Mendenhall Award Provides Outstanding Support to Plant Sciences Student
Weather Cooperating for a Fall Extravaganza
Forestry Specialist Says Leaf Color Should Put on a Show
Two Arborvitae for Tight Spaces
UT Gardens’ October 2020 Plant of the Month
UTIA to Lead Regional Effort to Battle Farmer, Rancher Stress
USDA Designates UT Extension to Coordinate Efforts in the South
Researchers Find that Experimental Methodologies Affect Pathogenicity of Bsal Fungus
With the recent discovery of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) in Europe, numerous studies are attempting to understand its pathogenicity, and hopefully, ward off infections in other locations. However, there is no standard set of methodologies for studying the pathogen.