Andrew Muhammad Lends Expertise in Efforts to Accelerate Climate Change Action
UTIA Professor Tapped to Serve on Federal Climate Change Subcommittee
Launch of New Eye-tracking Lab Expands Research Opportunities at UTIA
What Captures the Eye May Hold the Key to Research Solutions
UTIA Professor and Graduate Student Win ARER’s Best Article Award
Andrew Muhammad and Emily Greear Garner Recognition for Trade Research
UTIA Professor Receives SAEA Lifetime Achievement Award
James Larson Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Agricultural Economics
Reaching Local Farms in Southern Middle Tennessee
Joint UT Southern–UT Extension Webinars Designed to Help Regional Producers
Report to the Governor Reveals Gains in All Major Agricultural Sectors
Uncertainties Linger Amid Pandemic’s Loosening Grip
UT Launches Farming Fundamentals Program
New Educational Program Targets New and Beginning Farmers
This Year’s Thanksgiving May Gobble Your Wallet
UT Extension Explains Increased Costs, Provides Tips to Stretch Food Dollars
UT Extension Financial Specialist Receives National Excellence in Extension Award
Ann Berry Recognized for Work To Increase Consumer Economic Literacy and Stability
UTIA Associate Professor Wins C-FARE Early Career Award
Crop Marketing Specialist Aaron Smith Recognized for Contributions to Public Policy