Sreedhar Upendram recognized for significant advancement of community development in Tennessee
UTIA Professor Receives Community Development Early Career Achievement Award
Tennessee Plant Sciences Faculty Receive Award for COVID-19 Communication
Southern Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science Recognizes Timely Extension Publication
Aaron Smith Receives Harley and Juanita Clark Irwin Extension Service Award
State Specialist Recognized for Outstanding Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Programs
UTIA Reveals Sobering Statistics in Economic Report to the Governor
Pandemic Delivers a Hit to Tennessee’s Agricultural Sectors
UT Volunteers Join the ‘100,000 Strong in the Americas’ Initiative
UTIA and ColPos Cordoba Receive Grant to Launch Academic Exchange Program
UTIA Awarded FAA Grant to Research Sustainable Aviation Fuel Development in the Southeast
Growing Biomass for Jet Fuel May Become a Viable Option for Farmers
Step Outside: UTIA and The Nature Conservancy, A Landmark Partnership
The University of Tennessee has entered into a first-of-its-kind agreement with The Nature Conservancy to protect, enhance, and restore thousands of forested acres. In this episode of Step Outside, we learn about what this means for UT, our students, and the future of the forest.
UTIA Receives Grant to Help Strengthen and Expand US Beef Export Markets
Multi-institutional Research Will Identify Impediments and Possibilities
One in 10 Tennessee Families Were Food Insufficient During Early Months of COVID-19
UTIA Research Shows Historic Pandemic Hurting Most-Vulnerable Populations
UT Extension Names Narayanan Area Farm Management Specialist
Chris Narayanan to Serve West Tennessee Farms and Families